Soulard's Online Notebook 2025

January 3, 2025
11:47 a.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Here is a new year, & thus site links review time . . . following are the changes:

Literary Links
* * * Delete: Exile Sans Frontieres [Defunct]
* * * Delete: HASH Journal [Defunct]
* * * Delete: Kissing Dynamite: A Journal of Poetry [Defunct]
* * * Update link: Quibble

Alternative News Links
* * * Delete: Buzzflash [Defunct]
* * * Add: TPM: Talking Points Memo

Psychedelic Links
* * * Update link: High Times Magazine
* * * Update link: The Shroomery
* * * Update link: NORML
* * * Delete: The Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics [Defunct]

Added to Within's Within archives 1/8/2000, 1/15/2000, 1/22/2000, & 1/29/2000 shows . . .

Cenacle | 126 | Winter 2025 (new cover date) is done, & now the final edit has begun, hoping to do this sooner than later . . . this year Scriptor Press New England is 30 years old . . . this year President Clusterfuck2 takes the wheel to fuck shit up his own special way . . . gloves off, ready to man the walls against him . . . let's roll . . .
January 7, 2025
10:56 a.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Added to Within's Within archives 2/5/2000 & 2/15/2000 shows . . . these were the last shows I did on Radio Free Cambridge, as it was shut down by the FCC, & no amount of effort brought it back . . . my show would be back in April 2000, on Allston-Brighton Free Radio . . .

Cenacle 126 final edit should be done tonight, only my half-dozen pieces remain to finish . . . then into prepping for online publication, etc. . . . Two hours in the dentist's chair tomorrow, too . . . toward not being in it but for every three months like usual . . . oh, & on the entry page for this site, it now says "Enter Scriptor Press New England Online," needed touch . . .
January 12, 2025
6:26 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle | 126 | Winter 2025 is published online . . . contents of this new issue include:

*** Feedback on Cenacle 125
*** ElectroLounge Forums
*** New poetry by Madelaine Taylah, Nathan D. Horowitz, Tamara Miles, Martina Reisz Newberry, Colin James, Judih Weinstein Haggai, & myself
*** "Mad Jack" [Prose] by Charlie Beyer
*** "Notes on the Bardo State" by Jimmy Heffernan
*** "God the Transformer and a Fucked-Up Tattoo" [Travel Journal] by Nathan D. Horowitz
*** "Lamb's Head Soup" by Sam Knot
*** "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle [Classic Fiction]
*** "Labyrinthine [a new fixtion]" by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
*** "Notes from New England" [Commentary] by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
*** "Bags End Book #22: Uniting the Six Islands Part 1" by Algernon Beagle
*** "Rivers of the Mind" [A Novel] by Timothy Vilgiate
*** Galleries from Epi Rogan, Louis Staeble, & AbandonView

This issue is important to get out now, start of 2025. Pushed hard to do so. The battle begins in about a week.

January 13, 2025
11:14 a.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Added to Within's Within archives 4/2/2000, 4/9/2000, & 4/12/2000 shows . . . Cenacle 126 online promotion has begun, printing pends, & Sampler 23 too . . . more work to go . . . & just a week till the Felon takes over, & things begin to break everywhere . . .

January 18, 2025
4:48 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page, the new turn of calendar happily brings new shows . . . finally . . . & the darkness descends on all come Monday, when an ancient lunatic & his loser cabal of brother-assholes take the wheel . . . it will be the high point of them on top . . . the last moment when they think they own all seen & unseen . . . it will be a hard day for everyone else . . . the worst of it . . . & then the Opposition begins to wail from low to high to VERY FUCKING HIGH . . . just listen . . . just join in . . .

January 25, 2025
6:59 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page, & Cenacle 126 is all but ready to mail, once Sampler 23 is done too . . . shitty week of the lunatic in charge . . . hoping it slows down . . . but maybe just need to speed up to the chaos & ride it moment for moment . . . don't know . . .

January 26, 2025
6:59 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Added to Within's Within archives 6/18/2000 & 6/25/2000 shows . . .up all night watching LOST, what a masterful work of television art . . . so far from the mediocre bullshit of the rest of the human world right now . . .

January 27, 2025
1:55 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Added to Within's Within archives 7/23/2000 & 7/30/2000 shows . . . this week I make it my business to push Cenacle 126 & Sampler 23 to the finish line . . . by Friday 1/31 if at all posssible . . . keep working hard in these so-stupid times . . .

February 1, 2025
1:15 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page for this weekend's show . . . Cenacle 126 is stapled, Sampler 23 is close . . . it's hard reading the news these days & putting out one's care into the world . . . no choice, if better days are to be reached . . .

February 5, 2025
6:48 a.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Finally, Scriptor Press Sampler | 23 | 2021 Annual is now added to the site. . . This Annual's contents include:
*** Poetry by Raymond Soulard, Jr., Tamara Miles, Martina Reisz Newberry, Nathan D. Horowitz, Colin James, Judih Weinstein Haggai, & Sam Knot
*** Prose by Jimmy Heffernan & Charlie Beyer
*** Dream Raps by Raymond Soulard, Jr.   
*** Labyrinthine [new fixtion] by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
*** Fiction by Algernon Beagle & Timothy Vilgiate
*** Graphic artwork by Kassandra Soulard & AbandonView

I took a somewhat different approach to this Sampler . . . it's occurred to me that, since I got so far behind on this series, there were contributors that are no longer part of that currently active group . . . & as such were not responding in previous numbers to me sending them copies of the Sampler with their work in it . . . not even a thank you or any kind of acknowledgement . . .

This bothered me, maybe more than it should have, but I decided simply to focus on the many who are still active contributors to Scriptor Press New England . . . I wish the others safe passage, but leaving it at that . . . maybe other days will bear good surprises, unexpected reunions . . . life is long, anything is possible . . .

But the issue is done, save for it & Cenacle 126 being packaged up & mailed to the contributors, & the press archives being updated . . . a nice feeling . . . I will admit I have not been filled with nice feelings in recent days . . . Faux King Lunatick & his herd of evil men are causing a lot of pain . . . with a kind of glee . . . this week, especially last night, I kind of just gave in to it all, a sort of panic attack . . . a night's sleep helped some, as it does, & deciding to do this update this early AM helps too . . . I know I am not alone in feeling scared & angry & helpless . . . & better days will come at some point . . . just these stupid unnecessary hard ones right now . . .

With this current work concluded, more timely than in recent times, I can focus on writing till at least early April . . . that's what I need most of all . . . Cenacle 127 will be the 30th anniversary issue, so glad some time to think that one over . . . Sampler 24 will bring that series up to 2022, close to current as it has been in a long time . . . & Raibook #10 will contain Dream Raps Vols. 7-10, which is just cool to think about . . . as well, Burning Man Books 2025 is gearing up, even as I cannot yet return to the desert . . . & SPRadio goes on & on, & the Jellicle Literary Guild will occur in April too . . . & this site nears 32 years ongoing . . .

All one can do is love & support the people around one, & extend this love out as far as possible, & do one's good work, no matter what this is . . . I know these evil people will fall at some point, but the damage they do just makes me wish there was some kind of cosmic judgement to this mortal life . . . nobody is free from having caused harm to another, or one's self for that matter, but some take it upon themselves to be far, far worse . . . I vowed Opposition to them, & this remains, in its better & lesser days . . .

February 8, 2025
1:47 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page for this weekend's show . . . Cenacle 126 & Sampler 23 are mailed . . . finally . . . archives alone remains to do . . . Opposition is rising up . . . long slog of it to go . . .

February 15, 2025
1:16 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page for this weekend's show . . . Cenacle 126 & Sampler 23 are done save for four daily promos for the latter . . . now freer with pen & projects till early April . . . the Faux Lunatick King is pushing toward the edge day by day, his fall will be awesome to watch . . .

February 18, 2025
11:25 a.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Added to Within's Within archives 8/6/2000, 8/13/2000, & 8/20/2000 shows . . . a slow, steady process of updating . . . aside from four Sampler 23 online promotions, fully into my time between issues . . . that all will come in April . . . writing & SPRadio are my primary works now . . . deep in winter . . . the world having to come together to bring down two lunatics . . . again, & again, the lunatics come, & believe they are immortal, & are not, yet the suffering they cause along the way . . .

February 22, 2025
5:03 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page . . . remain of Sampler 23 promo is done, so new immediate press work . . . just as much pen as possible . . . fucking government freezes have led my employer to cut down hours not deemed critical . . . better than a layoff, but still . . . lotta bad shit going on . . . more time to myself because of it . . . just fighting that bastard daily . . .

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