Soulard's Online Notebook 2024

January 13, 2024
11:20 a.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle | 123 | December 2023 is published online . . . & post-release work is slowly wrapping up on it . . . this the final issue with new contributions from my dear friend Judih Weinstein Haggai, killed, along with her husband Gadi, on the first day of the now-ongoing Israeli-Palestinian war . . . fuck that war, fuck all wars, heretofore & hereon . . . Jude's place in this journal will continue as long as it does, the love for her ever abiding . . . the sadness trailing alongside . . .

This issue contains some of her final poems, & photographs, over the months leading to her tragic death on October 7, 2023. She was living the life she chose & loved to the end of her days, & this includes her fine poetry & graphic artwork.

Below are the rest of the contents of this new issue, issued with the heaviest of hearts, despite its beauties end to end . . .

*** Feedback on Cenacle 122
*** ElectroLounge Forums
*** New poetry by Tamara Miles, Martina Reisz Newberry, Colin James, Sam Knot, Nathan D. Horowitz, Jimmy Heffernan, & myself.
*** "The Brain Claim" [Prose] by Charlie Beyer
*** "Waiting for the Ranchera to Poza Honda" [Travel Journal] by Nathan D. Horowitz
*** "Dialogue on the Poetic Process" by Jimmy Heffernan
*** "Writer's Notebooks" by Gregory Kelly
*** "Secret Joy Amongst These Times: The History of Scriptor Press (1995 to the Present)" by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
*** "The Story of Sindbad the Sailor" [Classic Fiction]
*** "Labyrinthine [a new fixtion]" by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
*** "Notes from New England" [Commentary] by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
*** "Bags End Book #21: What is the Creature Carnival? Part 2" by Algernon Beagle
*** "Rivers of the Mind" [A Novel] by Timothy Vilgiate

On this site, updates to Labyrinthine, Bags End News, & History of Scriptor Press . . . also cleanup on Literary, Psychedelic, & News links pages . . . nothing added or taken down today, just a few links updated . . . & so begins 2024 at The ElectroLounge . . .

January 15, 2024
3:03 p.m.
Bungalow Cee - Attic study
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Noticed in my site cleanup the other day that Many Musics was lagging back to the Tenth Series . . . so sat up here a stretch & added the 60 poems of the Eleventh Series . . . still a ways back, since I am well along in the Twelfth Series, but better . . . maybe getting at things like this, pending old, as well as new work, will help me to get up to the full flight I desire more . . . & today my beloved's KD's birthday, began it with birthday donuts!

January 20, 2024
7:26 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

My radio show is back tonight, & its page is updated, glad to be locked & ready to fly . . . Cenacle 123 lumbering toward finish . . . payjob good, still learning upwards . . . pen never enough & never enough . . .

January 27, 2024
12:02 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle 123 is rolling toward done, promo most every day, printing delayed but will resume ASAP to finish, JG audio edit part way . . . . pay job is keeping me working hard, but good spirits all around so far . . . my radio show, Within's Within: Scenes from the Psychedelic Revolution, is having its 25th anniversary show tonight, so KD & I did a revamp on the show's archives here on this site, & also the archives on the radio site . . . very cool to have done this . . . happy to have done it this long, here's to on & on . . .

February 3, 2024
7:42 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle 123 is still finishing, sludge but sure . . . radio page is updated . . . workweek tiring but good . . . pen moves but more needed . . .

February 10, 2024
6:05 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle 123 is still finishing, wow so slow . . . . radio page is updated . . . . pay job is going well, but I remind myself like a Zen exercise not to hold it too dear or care overly much . . . nobody gets that anymore . . . they get a paycheck's worth of me, nothing more . . .

February 25, 2024
6:16 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Took two weekends off from SPR to get my writing together, organized, & that has happened . . . better shape . . . Cenacle 123 is nearly done, very close . . . & decided that Many Musics needs a Table of Contents, for easier navigation . . . that, & added all the poems up to current Twelfth Series . . . so caught up, and easier to read back & forth in . . .

March 2, 2024
5:16 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle 123 is printed & mailed, waiting archiving this weekend, tis all . . . SPR is back, my radio page is updated for new . . . got a better handle on how my work is going forward, some real strange & cool ideas to come . . . Payjob is steady sailing for now, best I can say of even the good ones, do my best & see what comes . . . spring nearing . . . wish the human world could get itself together on so many big things . . . doesn't seem able, or caring . . . all boats rise or fall together, no new lesson to be learned . . . learn this one . . .

March 9, 2024
11:59 a.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle 123 is done & done & done . . . so done that my full attention is on Cenacle 124, here in early March, when its publication date will be end of April to coincide, as it does year, with my birthday . . . ideas a-plenty but also allowing a full shape of it to remain un-concluded . . . only five issues in the last two years, when eight would be the usual . . . that's on me, circumstances be damned . . . I let time get away from me, in one way & another . . . more than anything else, to get back on the usual quarterly schedule, to get the Sampler series finally caught up . . . to do Burning Man Books again no matter when I finally return to the desert festival, when the pandemic ending allows . . . . to finally finish the RaiBook of my brother JBIII, him now over a dozen years gone to the Stars . . . to do SPRadio better . . . to write more & more . . . the world is in a terrible place right now, by its own doing . . . & humans are to blame for it all . . . the Pandemic killing & crippling millions still & the powers that be, & the sheeple who don't want to be fucking bothered . . . the environment heating up & cooling down wrongly . . . the genocide Israel is waging to everyone's notice, unstopped . . . & the evil chance that lunatic could get back to the White House . . . these are all solvable dilemmas & crises, nobody can tell me othewise . . . we caused them, we can cure them, every last fucking one of them . . . can we be bothered? are we brave enough? Seems most want to concern with their little lives & cute doggy videos on YouTube . . . I used to believe humans could do anything wonderful they wished . . . now I see a race degrading itself & its world & it seems not to give two fucks, or even one . . . so, yah, I am paying attention, not dropping out in disgust . . . I have a job to go to five days a week . . . a wife who cares that I stay on the beam best I can . . . & many loved ones at a distance to whom I owe the best of myself when as often I can summon it . . . building the next Cenacle for April 2024, its 29th anniversary issue . . . roots in all of this . . . I need to do better . . . the world needs to do better . . .

March 16, 2024
1:48 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle 124 slowly revving up, just writing & mulling for now . . . keeping it close at the moment . . . radio page is updated . . . shit, another US presidential election involving that fucking lunatic . . . got to finish him this time . . . payjob some nice moments lately of real learning & good work . . .

March 23, 2024
7:21 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle 124 is deep deep slow . . . letting it simmer, deep deep slow . . . radio page is updated . . . I LOVE THE BLACK CROWES . . . that's nuff said . . .

March 29, 2024
11:20 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page, real early . . . we are going out tomorrow, to see Dune Chapter 2, in an actual movie theater, first time this year, & walk the Northern Strand Trail back home . . . like days of old save for the many dangers protected against, skirted . . . tis not the days of old, but still possible to find a seam in these darker, crueler, more ignorant ones . . .

April 6, 2024
7:19 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page . . . back to hardly no time to write . . . save thornfree, scarred, healing . . . payjob boss is moving up the line, hoping team holds on to being a good one . . . Cenacle 124? Wow, slow as shitty mud to go, mostly a dream in my mind . . . but thornfree, scarred, healing, so will see . . .
oh yes just passed 26th anniversary of this website, fuck & happy & wowza . . .

April 12, 2024
9:14 p.m.
Bungalow Cee - Attic Study
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page, a full day early, because started into the finishing work on Sunday night, not later . . . lovely lovely . . . Cenacle 124 has begun for sure, typing Dream Raps Volume 13, all week, pushing it up to new being again . . . payjob not too bad this week . . . spring is coming . . . the world is fucked in so many ways, & yet . . . never . . . quite . . . completely . . .

April 19, 2024
10:57 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page, still doing better at it. . . Cenacle 124 now well under way . . . can it be done in a week's time? No way to know but to try . . .

May 15, 2024
12:58 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle | 124 | April 2024 is published online . . . & one thing I can say for sure is that this year's anniversary issue is not coming out in June like last year's . . . getting back to the quarterly cadence I had for many years up to 2021 . . . three issues in 2022, two issues last year . . . one issue during the worst shit of the last job . . . reminds me of many years ago & a bad romance & no issue for over a year . . . my doing, of course, but glad to have left both those bad times . . . & hard to do this without Jude, though her work is still in it . . . becomes posthumous publication hereon . . . still in all, a great issue, close to perfectly on time, & here's to keeping to my renewed quarterly issue vow . . .

Contents include:

*** Feedback on Cenacle 123
*** ElectroLounge Forums
*** New poetry by Tamara Miles, Martina Reisz Newberry, Colin James, Sam Knot, Nathan D. Horowitz, Jimmy Heffernan, Judih Weinstein Haggai, & myself.
*** "Mad Jack" [Prose] by Charlie Beyer
*** "The Lagoon of the Air Goblins" [Travel Journal] by Nathan D. Horowitz
*** "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle [Classic Fiction]
*** "Labyrinthine [a new fixtion]" by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
*** "Notes from New England" [Commentary] by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
*** "Bags End Book #21: What is the Creature Carnival? Part 3" by Algernon Beagle
*** "Rivers of the Mind" [A Novel] by Timothy Vilgiate
*** New graphic artwork by AbandonView, Epi Rogan, Louis Staeble, Kassandra Soulard, Sam Knot, Tamara Miles, & Nathan D. Horowitz

Back to radio work this weekend, after being off for this new issue . . . been doing good past six weeks or so . . . much more to come from keeping on . . .

May 17, 2024
10:52 p.m.
Bungalow Cee - Attic Study
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Cenacle | 124 | April 2024 is moving along in online promotion & nearer to printing & archiving & done . . . meantime, SPRadio back this weekend, my show's page here updated in a nicely timely way . . . pay job going well enough . . . looking for those many more free hours to come in retirement, years away but yearning . . .

May 19, 2024
6:38 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Been awhile since I did some site work on the RaiBooks series. Been a few too many years since the most recent one, but what I did to get the dust wiped off for now is make it so the first two volumes in the series have both online reading versions (courtesy of Publitas) & PDFs to download. More work on this to come!

May 20, 2024
1:15 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

When my Within's Within radio show returned in November 2003, off air for over a year, I did six shows through the end of that year . . . including the 8 hour Cyber Vision Quest 2003 on New Year's Eve . . . these shows are now added to the radio page on this site . . . finally . . .

May 24, 2024
9:06 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page, new method of finishing a radio weekend by Sunday night is helping time & again . . . Cenacle 124 is in the promotion stage, & finishing steps . . . Scriptor Press Sampler 21 is close to done too . . . bum knee this week, so slowed . . . how to push my pen harder & farther, no limits, just find out where-not-yet, & go there . . . reviewing Labyrinthine these past months part of that far-looking plan . . . nothing else matters as deeply to me . . .

June 1, 2024
9:15 a.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page . . . knee feeling so much better . . . X-President Clusterfuck GUILTY X 34! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. . .

June 8, 2024
12:09 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page . . . Cenacle 124 is nearly, nearly done, the next issue might be a summer one, need to write & write & write & write & write & write . . .

June 15, 2024
2:06 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page . . . Cenacle 124 is done but for final quality check, disks burning, packaging, archiving, mailing, & promo finishing . . . Sampler 21 just needs printing, promotion, & mailing with Cenacle 124 . . . slowed this week, so close . . . just need to finish the fuckers, finish them right . . .

June 22, 2024
12:39 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Updated radio page . . . Cenacle 124 is done & Scriptor Press Sampler 21 is done, & both are printed & mailed . . . only archiving for both, & adding to this site for the latter remain . . . going on a three weekend radio hiatus, have so much to write . . . time to get to it!

June 23, 2024
7:12 p.m.
Bungalow Cee
Milkrose, Massachusetts

Added a new working guest book to this site, feel free to add comments & feedback . . . also a tool to share this site with other online presences . . . Also updated the content here for Labyrinthine, Dream Raps, & Bags End Books . . .

Additionally, Scriptor Press Sampler | 21 | 2019 Annual is now added to this site, as I am finishing press archives for the two new publications. . . This Annual's contents include:
*** Poetry by Raymond Soulard, Jr., Tamara Miles, Ace Boggess, Martina Reisz Newberry, Colin James, Judih Weinstein Haggai, Joe Ciccone, Gregory Kelly, Nathan D. Horowitz, Tom Sheehan, Sam Knot, & John Echem
*** Prose pieces by Jimmy Heffernan, Charlie Beyer, & Leia Friedman
*** Dream Raps by Raymond Soulard, Jr.   
*** Labyrinthine [new fixtion] by Raymond Soulard, Jr.
*** Fiction by Algernon Beagle & Diana Rosen
*** Graphic artwork by Kassandra Soulard

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