Travel to a yesteryear brown to its soft
bones, sleep wild in crabbed universes &
wake with a terrified shout, what this place,
what its people, who are you? Who am I?
I live crooked among songs & watchful
among men. This yesteryear's city held my
love once, awhile, forever, & gone. What resides
within still the feeding seeds below wounds & old grooves.
When will the mystery give it free or devolve
to scraps & stains? I ask, love it all
sloppy & music, learn little or less from
the hits & loss. Listen, the world is noisy
with urge & delay. Ask, the mystery high
with hard mock, lures every hunger to the next hour.
Same park has bled through my years &
we arrive to each other still. The glare
of time this morning acknowledges our
bond, & too our eventual passing.
Not for the rusting downtown, there's little
left here to go. Not for the years ran broader
through another world here. Not for the
unbreaking blue over bare skyline, sunset
an endless tail of glare. Sorrow for what
did not happen, yesterday's many hands
gesturing toward paths never followed.
Strange Blood
Hard memories root below the belly,
crimson scars where hours bumped & bled ,
feed still on thighs' golden want & heart's
disappearing paths. You, the roughest ache,
I can touch where you dwell even tonight. Call
you one name or another, brown eyes full
above, others in tart bedchambers, or the ones
I found mapless & tickless in my dreams. I call
you all strange blood, riding my later years
as hard as I do. You, the roughest ache, root
below the belly, connect one to another as much as
the ancient egg wherefrom & the glaring crumble to come.
Reaching in til scrape, & scrape again,
cross two memories, call it a new hour's
song, reach deeper, sex together path from
wherefrom & hunger's ever, this is
Art, chewing & chewing the mind's bones
til a melody of dust flickers through.
Tavern Light
Another night midst the click & clink,
the dancer leaned near me & smiled til
neon birds puffed countless from his lips.
"There's nothing but praise," he whispered.
"It's our only mission. Our only home."
A wish as I tire of the city's mute, rushing
forms, the cold truck among souls thin & wary
with loot, a wish for somewhere high & strange,
a creature among few, good creatures, fine with
hope, a we by choice not accident. Watching
the shrivel grey this way & pink ripen over
there, asking what for, blood's passing potent,
what for? Counting the beats & the breaths,
this one's green memories, that one's tangled
long for escape. What for? A wish for content
through the empty pocket hours, troughs of crass
neon feed, here is the world in its bite & murmur,
here is the world arcing rhythms through aeon &
race, here is the world, love its spectacle, praise its going.
Blue Notes
Slip closely, warmly, eager as small hands
for chocolate, into tonight's dreams, their clues
to your unasked questions, & the strange lights
again, you will be theirs one coming hour, til
then simply bear you gently into sleep, closely,
warmly, old eyes sparking slow by a known
touch, memory like a roar's great reach,
affecting without will, while heeded, worshipped,
slaven to, warmly, eagerly, the ancient
glowing clouds risen below, raw creatures
& shapeless cavern no waking hours illumine,
windows shot out in a building with no exterior,
warmly, eagerly, even when the pursuers
are close & merciless, do they resemble
the lights? Shall they take you at last?
A pocked still face in the cafe's dankest shadow
shakes no, keep on, they're only memories,
their song as great as your lean within.
I watch a maiden pink smile & speak
deafly, her long fingers flying creatures of blood
& symbol. A party of winter jackets & bright lights
crowd into a nearby cavern. The world sings
of love & uncertainty both. I try to see beyond
the cities of men & only hear unknowable
growls & ice snapping. Neither king nor preacher,
nor the mangy one wet in the long alley, none
know what the night's beauty or danger portend.
We snap off another's line & into the world,
alone belong to our beat & breath. Weeds
in the shine & blow, no given purpose
but to shine & bloom. We touch, the hour
raves high, the jug is full & bread hot.
All is possible. We part, cry over shards,
curse the blood within & stars about. All
diminishes. Nearer, ever nearer, to what,
to where, & why? Walk the ground like
a spring to God, or tap it twice & wonder
how soft its rest will be. Dusk's murky light,
the elusive sound of drums, the young
maiden at her thick book, the tattered master
rasping another day, none can tell the miracle
of alive & its pending fruit. None can tell its cost.
Simple Dream
If it was blood burst from my own finger, it was
brown & splashed thin as water. I was split
with anger & loss, breathing narrowly, watchful
doubt of every face, bent unhappy by a path
marred with coins, by the dying green of my
land. Buried the sheaf of musics in winter's joyless
ground. Something's going to bloom better this time.
Centuries Arriving
There were spastic amber clouds hovering high
oaks that night, a hundred bare drummers &
then more, a great crowd sexed liquidly toward
the groove & thrust of shared infinity, alike the
clean raw bite of doorless dreams, music for
slickest mutual release, eat it, drink it,
remember it, racial history leaves little remain else.
What to be recovered in the arching rear
look, where to return with any waking music
but much shaded place near spires & towers
of Empire's sagging heart? How to wrest wrinkles
& fists from pulpit & throne? Another use for
men than muscle & piston? Another for women
than hooks & nesters? World for more than
feeding & dominion? What ignites waking music
in a world slumped in habit? You there. Dare this
hour's far border, depart tubes & tomes, run for
what you do not know! What do you have left?
The sorrow hit one man & another, taste
this day & its lesser meat, why? Why did
we do this? What in each other did we fear?
What in the further places we beheld within?
What do we do now? How do we become, again,
lesser? Assuming the bondage again, who do we protect?
What do we do with those unconvinced?
What do we do with those who will not cease?
The beggars on winter's wet streets praise
God & dinner alike. Watch a theatre couple
hurry by with envy & enmity. The night is
cold even by cigarette's warm suck. Buy
something from me. Give something to me.
Why you with her? Why you at all? Something.
LSD 1966
Cease the tide by cursing the moon?
Crush the drumheads, men will tap stones
to oaks. Bind a woman's fire & she will lay
dreaming coming stars. Green breaks your
fist at every shade & angle. Freedom bears
your cluster of nots but in season they too will fall.
Yesterday, no, years away, call youth
the sugared days, soft-boned heart, cageless,
& a great moon nearly close enough.
Years, throbbing fans in a thousand separate
rooms, unhappy waits, clockless kisses, meals
& mirrors, evidence of nothing more than passing.
Youth, roots, tangle, muck. Love arcing a
mottled sky, hard clumsy rain of hours called
self, sadness follows below on swift, broken feet.
The cafe's old man rants on the endless
spiking reach of the Empire, I sit with
his pencilled maps of Old Europe & figures
denoting webbed bloodlines of power, sad.
We sum to lost centuries men have spent
discovering their blunt truths. Hunger & fear.
Maybe curiosity, too, on prettier, well-supped days.
Flesh sniffs flesh, little muted by
tight pink band or leather mask,
dig through your tomes & preacherly nays
for explain, & none. Flesh does not
muse or cogitate, fingers pressing
for lace's undoing, thighs tighten at a
buttock's twitch, lingual grunts of tongue
code for hard & have & take. Flesh wants now.
Drums for forest caterwaul & crown's new
conquest alike raise to knock flesh high
& calm, pay out its spasm for king or
beauty, direct hand from blood's heated
cheek to trigger or crowd's ecstatic tumult.
Untwist limbs, relax into mind's order,
time's duty, patience pretty with sacred golden
statuary, the quiet rolling pulse of blooms,
the lively hellish jostle of brother against
brother. Then long fingers spark sun in
a dulling eye, notice a bared foot wrestling
the surf's white growl, remember to the
lure of slow lick & moan's urging fret.
Then dreaming where flesh twines heat, many
tight backs roar in need, fire runs from
every pore touching pore, why finally crumbles
in the long grind, & all are sated in lawless union.
Where then, sense opened to the talk
among clusters of trees, how starlight
arrives & returns both, signs of revolution
everywhere where once boredom, dull coins
& days. Where then? Join tribes in the
mountains, caterwaul & bonfire, electric
limbs crossed bright with spiced honey's
kiss, where then? I'm high, I'm awake,
I'm open. Universe, which path shall I be?
Art, rummage the hours, nudge secrets
& wounds for a dust something like melody,
for a fruitful cluster of beats, for a line
high or low, for what crosses & reck the spark.
The wince, the pleasure. Old anger stones
to the cleared hill, sweetness the beams &
walls, hope the rooms. Too little, hit them,
& again. Something's left. There. And there.
What hasn't happened yet, bright funky
fineness to come, the golden swoop without
end. Blood wakes at dawn, ready again for
the world to explain. God, fine ass, lessing tides.
What true music tease from the loose angles,
webs in the glass, where the warped eye rests
& pursues. Brief violet dusk, now a loathing
metallic rain, now calm again, noisy glow,
how pry the hour wide, its bloom's fecund
remain? What place men in this world but
restless, moving flesh, craving songs & cities?
Wedding binds blood to blood by vows & wish.
By rose, by lace, by eager witness of
men & women. By mystery's sanction & praise.
Blood binds to night's caterwaul by the
smearing smack of high flesh, two pretty
beats & a hard breath, call it Art, bristling
scars in a man's well-worn quiver raise
about the heart crown & cage, are these
years saying best path neither to nor from
but a shifting path in the wild pitch?
Canna tell you it doesn't hurt, you know that
for yourself. Canna tell you that love doesn't
lure back, you've traveled there too. Canna
say much explains when too many odd hours
prick the package, her secret hotel embrace,
his cry of stumbling power to the hard winter's
blow. What overlays the years, what meshes,
what calls back to worship if you will, a hurt face,
a smiling hour, the hope dearest when dreaming
with scant other. Canna tell you where it's bound,
or why, or worth. But feel it, warmth grubbing
for warmth tonight, & somewhere a song &
showers of light reign down. Feel it, the hardest
creature shuffles in dream to near something.
Feel it, the rhythm & beat within urging about,
old memory, brief blossom, future's quick muse.
Feel it, that best truth, ever a stranger's curious knock.
Call it the sunshine hustle for coin,
smacking pink flesh, music hungry enough
to bear starlight, lawless hands tame a
little by preacher's nays & king's hard lean.
Lookee there, how it moves by wing, by sinew,
by fin & buzz, all is hunger, desire is true law,
for a curving hue of melody, for a smoking
bite of flesh, for a kindness unbegged. Lovers
& armies alike crack open gladly in the tumult,
skins marred, breath clutched & released.
We bloom best by spasm's arcing cry, by the
music tapped within let free, by the years'
mysterious shift from take to share to give.
Desire is true law. Say again. How each
of you so loved, seam & sinew to very life,
how you entered me doorlessly sweet, kindling
to crack every why, how you left among
charred bones & needless alarums. How I
sang sucker's prince to every tide & crescendo.
Want slowly bears its own demise, passion's
widest hour begs, & passes, births each new hungry hour.
Watering Music
My wish would be an hour's content for each
of you, plain sun & long grass, a touch with
desire, a sparkle hinting God, sweet earth in
a taste of bread, a dreaming finish in your
heart's native tongue. A long memory, too, for
years when dread-deep in the rough little consoles.
This music wanting for the greater chimes,
cleaved long to night's dreaming heat,
hustle & near it, by soft, by conjure, by plea,
what the great world still peeping in its
shell? Wanting for the greater chimes, call
it God or a closer starlight, a whither to space,
a taking sweetness, convincing in its quiet roar,
long waiting first discover. This music
will sing endless to its end, mystery bound
in acceptance, open hands to these skinless
hours, what love. What love! Startle & awake.
Sudden again these fruits of music in hand,
roused beasts around the weeping gape, what
known now, what known ever? Consider.
There is blood. There is cosmos. There is song.
Ragged figures in the rain. Nobody knows. Say again.
What music does not diminish ever throb
its faith into a knot, & calls it Art.
Drawn to our wedding hour, its public vows &
crowded wishes, its unknown garments worn by
an altar plainly scented of men. Give its tome
of instructions a level-eyed praise in return,
little knowing if the flaming creature stuck to its
heart is any truth more than crimson curtains
burning in a ceaseless desert war, or the steaming,
howling forms in dreams, or the small, mottled
creature hid motherless on a cloudy moving steppe.
What answer? Sadness & morning light. What truth?
The disloyal remembrance of days for days. Vows
will root awhile, through give & take & share,
& a beat, & begin again. Why the universe,
why desire? Vows at the altar explain in passing,
will diminish to weeds along the path. No hour
waits without mystery, & a coiled thought to break
& new want's fiercest blood. Still, bear the vow &
smile the wish. We shall wed & twine further our
song, flush our root higher from joined will
alone, share an ocean between our hearts, &
hope to endure its many changing tides.
I will call no common God my own,
& thus splintered from the mass of men,
their tomes cry a rampage, a gleam, a subtle,
howling way. Upon me a mist, a light,
a crooning sugar, a want to move nearer
all ways, I do not know what or how.
Wish to kneel & kiss the ground, none of it,
magick perches plain upon every beat
& breath, hand for hand in the wall of
beggars longer every night, in the farthest
jungle & feeding cove, in the trash among
the treasure in one's going red flow.
Find me there if you would look, singing
helpless in rushing black ink, looking to
men & seeing, above them, trees, looking
to trees & recking their sunshine lovers,
looking to sunshine & what there to know?
Universe ever climbing its own beam to fall
untold within. What fetches on this cryptic
twining, what divides & suffers to know,
what joins by chorus & feeding? Tell the moment
when a heart falls, a limb gives way, two
creatures cross past formula, morning light
shows a fallen barn's many dews, within
a bullet loads near its quarry, still dreaming
its lost mate among the quiet strews.
Path blows stranger with the years, across
hands gentle from back to back, vows
so near the heart, later dust from old tracks.
You are my beloved when the rest but sung
scatters on the page, my love a mystery
sweet jagged in my veins, my fidelity &
hope when the world but a great yowling
banditry. One true note. We need to keep breathing.
Everything to go, everything to lose, everything to behold.
To play one true note, every & again,
here I am, no more veils, this word,
the next, beat it hard, beat it true,
one true note, all is possible, I know
sunshine again today, hear mutter
in what they call dream, a wind resembling
an old day's joy, one true note, this
morning toward a softer knowing, shhh,
nothing more than evidence of passing,
the wild green of that fullmoon blaze,
the twists by which a soul comes the years.
One true note, music in a buzz & secret icon.
Here I am. No more veils. This word. The next.
Vow union again, in a night crackling
with high want, world exploding every
moment in feeding & making new. None
lone as seems yet what dearest joining
perpetual? Only bid fidelity to what sings
true to the sweet burst within.
Vow union again, to what warms near
the laughing ache, twines close like blankets
& blood, slow acceleration to break the
strutting prows of kings & preachers. Slow,
til a mad heart's sudden spark, tracing love's arc
through emptiness, like an egg dreaming new songs.
Vow union again & reck all the world
God, & best wish to live like an endless prayer,
chase with green's swinging power, wonder
how, wonder how. How to live & why?
Can any tell & be sure? Where melt the
gone days, where fetch the old wants?
Vow union again, & dare this hour's
far border, shudder to love with both fists
wide open, blow out the bent years & books,
walls & greeds, daylight grumbles for meat
& coin & tit. Remember: all is real, clap twice,
all is maya. Breathe, relax. See what remains.
Vow union again, tis a new song canna
be sung alone, hard strum the dust, sniff
by what crevices in the melody, sweet burst
within. Sudden spark, night high, higher,
crackling with want, cry out! What croons
worlds listens, & listens for all. A beat. Another.
Vow union again, love at fiercest angles
to a strange, ceaseless war, love a new mother
wooing in the dark, love a prophet yet
unfound by his feeding, believing beasts.
Conjure better to come with backs strong enough
for this hour's truth, & willing for the next.
We vow to live this world in all its going beauty,
great, crumbling, how helpless happy it passes.